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2004-09-27, 10:18 a.m.

Adjusting to A2, pt.1

I am irked that I have not had any response, not a word, from the ice rink where I interviewed to teach ice skating two weeks ago. It's not like I just sent a resume and never got a phone call, and they'll mail me a nice form letter after they've hired someone else. No, I actually had an interview, and the lady said they'd be making phone calls that week, and doing pre-seaon meetings last week, and the classes start today.

Would it have been too dificult to call and let me know they're not hiring me? Is this normal around here???

Part of me doesn't care - I'm plenty busy just taking care of the boys and easing back into thinking about my own sculpture. But a part of me is severly irritated, and offended, simply on principl, and kind of wants to call them up and yell at them. Of course, I have better things to do with my energy. But I'm still really annoyed.

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